Insurance companies are eager to settle injury claims as quickly and painlessly as possible, but settling for their agreed to compensation may be selling yourself short if you are injured. Because insurance companies are primarily concerned about saving money, they ...
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What are the Elements of a Successful Personal Injury Case?
Suffering from an injury through someone else’s negligence is no fun. Not only are you distressed from needless pain, you have to deal with trying to hold the person or entity responsible for their actions. Atlanta injury lawyer Laurie S. ...
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What is Qui Tam?
The justice department recently announced that two companies headquartered in Atlanta were among five defendants ordered to pay $14 million to settle a qui tam lawsuit. Qui tam (Latin for whistleblower) provides a mechanism for combating government fraud. In these ...
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What Is Qui Tam?
Qui Tam is Latin for “whistleblower” and provides ordinary citizens with the tools to file lawsuits against an individual or a company that has successfully defrauded the United States government. Plaintiffs in qui tam cases are referred to as the ...
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What is Qui Tam?
Qui tam is an action brought against someone attempting to commit fraud against the government by someone who has direct and material information about the case. These actions have been in use since the early thirteenth century in England.
The ...
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