As a consumer, you have the right to expect that the products you buy and use have been manufactured to the highest standards of safety. Unfortunately, there are products that fail to meet these standards and may cause serious personal injury to you or your family.
These defective products may include, but are not limited to:
- Over-the-counter and prescription drugs
- Orthopedic implants
- Automobiles
- Recreational equipment
- Tools
- Toys
- Bicycles
- Heavy Machinery
In Georgia, you may hold a manufacturer liable for personal injury or death caused by defective products. Reasons for liability include negligence in design, testing, or labeling. In addition, with strict liability, you can hold the manufacturer liable without proof of negligence. Further, under the theory of implied warranty, a buyer may hold the seller liable if its product is not acceptable for use by the buyer.
Robbins Law, PC Can Help You
If you have been injured as a result of using a defective product, the Atlanta product liability lawyer at Robbins Law, PC can help you receive the compensation you deserve. Our attorney has years of experience standing up for the rights of consumers and ensuring that manufacturers are held accountable when they violate basic standards of safety. If you or a loved one has been injured through the use of a defective product, our attorney is here to help you through this trying time.
We will provide you with highly personalized, aggressive representation through every step of the process. Our attorney will always be here to answer any question you may have, and we truly care about making sure you and your family are taken care of.
At your initial consultation, our lawyer will listen carefully to the details of your story to determine the best way to proceed. We will stand by your side until you receive compensation necessary to move on with your life.
For additional information, please visit the following pages:
If you think you may have a product liability case in Georgia, please contact experienced Sandy Springs defective product attorney Laurie Robbins to schedule your free, no obligation initial consultation.