There are so many possible distractions to be aware of when you are out on the road – some of them you have control over (such as avoiding texting while driving), but others are outside of your control. Have you ever been driving behind or beside a truck with a load that was not secured well? Or has debris flying off of a truck caused you to get into an accident? If so, you may be wondering who can be held responsible.
Watch out for unsecured loads
Although you should always drive defensively and avoid distracted driving, there is only so much you can do. You can make an effort to avoid a truck that obviously has an unsecured load, and always watch out for debris that may have fallen onto the road in front of you. But if this fails and you do get into an accident because of an unsecured load, whose fault is it?
Truck drivers and trucking companies have a responsibility to make sure their loads are secured – and that includes drivers of pick-up trucks, dump trucks, flatbed trucks, and moving trucks. Loads must be properly secured, no matter how heavy they are or how far the truck is traveling. Cargo has to be tied down properly and not simply covered with a tarp, which can cause problems of its own if it flies off the truck. And, the right kind of truck should be used for the type of cargo it is carrying.
And although the truck driver has certain responsibilities, if you have been in an accident because of an unsecured truck load, it can be difficult to pinpoint who exactly was at fault and who should bear the blame – is it the driver or the company that loaded the truck? This can be especially tricky if you have decided to sue over the accident. Who do you sue, and who exactly is at fault?
Laurie Robbins is an Atlanta attorney with the experience to help you if you were in an accident caused by an unsecured truck load. Contact her office today at 404-252-8117 to schedule your free consultation.