Teen drivers and accidents is a major problem. Young people aged 16-19 suffered more accidents, and 2,600 deaths in 2011. This population is 14% of the US, but they accounts for 30% of the total costs of motor vehicle injuries (and 19 Billion in expenses). Young drivers are more at risk than any other population, and males are two times more likely to be in a serious wreck due to risk taking, and inexperienced driving skills. The statistics show that teens who drive with other teens are more at risk than driving with an adult driver.
The factors that put teens at risk are speed, shorter distance given between cars, and risky drivers. Males were speeding 37% of the time involved in a crash, and 25% were drinking. Teens are less likely to use seat belts. Some states require a graduated licensing system that requires goals to be met before the young driver is allowed to drive alone, or at night.
As a personal injury lawyer I am concerned about the safety of teen drivers. Parents should drive with teens, and may consider postponing of the driver’s license when the child is subject to risk taking. Many times the problem driver is not discovered until it is too late.
For more information about teen drivers and accidents see https://www.cdc.gov/MotorVehicleSafety/Teen_Drivers/teendrivers_factsheet.html.