If you’ve been injured on the job, it is important that you complete certain steps to ensure that you will get any compensation you deserve – but you probably don’t know what these steps are (and why would you?). Here is some important information on what you need to do if you have had an on-the-job injury and you think you might be eligible for workers’ compensation.
Don’t miss out on compensation you are entitled to.
Workers’ compensation benefits may include medical care, part of any wages lost while you recover from your injury, and permanent disability benefits if you have long-lasting effects from the injury. If you have been injured on the job, your employer is probably not going to just hand over a check to make up for it. You do have some responsibilities to fulfill to make sure that you get any workers’ compensation:
1. Get medical treatment immediately. Make sure you let your health care provider know that you were injured on the job.
2. Tell your employer, in writing, that you were injured. Be sure to document what happened and what injuries you have in detail. Let them know about your injury as soon as possible. Your employer will give you forms to fill out, and you may need to file a claim form with the state’s workers’ compensation agency.
3. Make sure you follow your doctor’s advice for recovery.
Your employer will submit information to their insurance company, and they will begin an investigation. If your claim is approved, you’ll start receiving benefits; if it is denied (which happens a lot) you have the right to file an appeal. But this is also the point at which you should consider hiring an attorney if you haven’t already, as this appeals process can be very complicated.
The odds are good that your employer and their insurance company will do what they can to limit any compensation you might get – but an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help. Atlanta attorney Laurie Robbins has the experience and the compassion you need to help you through this stressful time. Call today for a free consultation, at 404-252-8117.