When it comes time to put a loved one in a nursing home it can be a very stressful experience – not just for them, but for you as well. You are handing over the care of your relative to a group of people that you probably don’t know very well. Over time, you may become concerned that your loved one is being neglected or abused.
Here are some signs of abuse to watch out for:
- Your loved one has sudden changes in their personality or behavior
- Tension between the elder and a staff member. The staff member may act controlling or may threaten or belittle the elder in your presence, or the staff member may seem reluctant to leave you alone with your loved one.
- Financial situation changes, such as unexplained withdrawals or names added to the elder’s credit card. This may indicate the elder is a victim of financial exploitation. Also, check to see if money is missing from their room.
- Unexplained bruising, sprains, or marks that may be signs of restraint (such as rope marks on the wrist)
- Your loved one not being bathed or not wearing suitable clothes for the weather
- Bedsores, a sign that the elder is being left in bed in one position for too long
- Sudden weight loss or signs of dehydration
- Dirty or soiled clothes or bed clothes
- Unsuitable living conditions, such as lack of heat or running water
It can be easy to blame some changes in your loved one on their new home or their worsening mental or physical condition. However, if you think there is a chance that there is abuse on the part of the nursing home staff, it is important you take care of it right away. Once you attend to your loved one, you may feel they are entitled to compensation for physical or mental suffering as well as monetary compensation for past and future medical expenses. The staff at Robbins Law, PC, in Atlanta, has the experience to help you and your loved one in this difficult situation. For a free consultation, call 800-772-5555.