Summer-time means the work crews are out cleaning up winter’s mess. From potholes and new paint to new lanes and shoulder work, road crews are busy this time of year. And while the safety of the work crews is always important, and drivers should be respectful, there are times when drivers are the ones who end up injured and in a car accident.
Typically, accidents that occur in work zones are due to driver negligence or unseen hazards in the road. When one lane closes and traffic converges, there are always inherent risks. However, private contractors are in charge of roadway construction and they are held responsible when highway safety precautions are not upheld.
These safety precautions include:
• Flagmen
• Warning signs
• Closed lane markers like cones or flashers
• Reflective clothing to help drivers see workers better
As a driver, it is always important to be alert when driving through a roadwork zone. If an accident does occur, it is vital that you try and document what happened. If the road was unsafe to drive on or flagmen were not present then you, as a driver, will have a better case. If you or someone you know was injured in a car accident at a road construction site, contact the website of Atlanta car accident attorneys Robbins Law, PC