Maybe you have been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault, or maybe you have an injury because someone’s negligence led you to slip and fall. You may have thought that if you hired a lawyer, he or she would take care of everything – but now you suspect that your lawyer didn’t do their job at all, or at least didn’t do what they should to win your case. But is it legal malpractice?
Is it a bad job or is it malpractice?
Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad lawyers out there, and your lawyer might be one of them – but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have done anything that might constitute malpractice. Here are some common complaints about lawyers:
• Your lawyer ignores you and your case. Legal cases must be handled promptly in case there are any time limitations. This could be an example of malpractice.
• Your lawyer recommends that you settle for an amount much less than he or she originally said your case was worth. This isn’t malpractice, but it might be a good idea to ask another lawyer their opinion on the settlement amount.
• Your case is thrown out of court because your lawyer didn’t do the work. This can be difficult to prove, but if they didn’t do all they could to represent you, it may be malpractice.
• Your lawyer settles your case without your authorization. This may be malpractice – your lawyer should consult with you about any offers made to settle.
• You see your lawyer and your opponent’s lawyer socializing outside of the courtroom. This, in itself, is not malpractice. However, if your lawyer accidentally mentions something you said in confidence while they are socializing, this would be a violation of your attorney’s obligation to you.
You may have hired a bad lawyer, but, unfortunately, just because they are lazy or incompetent it doesn’t mean they have committed legal malpractice. Deciding if it was malpractice, and proving it, can be difficult. Laurie Robbins, an Atlanta attorney, can help if you think you might be a victim of legal malpractice. Contact her office to schedule your free consultation. Call 404-252-8117 today.