A diagnosis of cerebral palsy raises a lot of questions. If you have a child who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy or know someone who does you may be looking for some answers. Because cerebral palsy is a brain injury, one way to look for those answers is with the help of a brain injury lawyer. State boundaries can’t contain things like the questions we ask when we need answers. The questions asked by someone living in Atlanta are the same as those asked by parents living elsewhere. So what do you want to know?
Are there different types of cerebral palsy?
There are four types of cerebral palsy: Spastic (most common) – characterized by stiff muscles and jerky movements, Athetoid – makes the person have uncontrolled, involuntary movements, Ataxic – affects balance and sense of movement, and Mixed – a combination of the others.
Can cerebral palsy be cured?
There is not a cure because the damage is not repairable. Research is ongoing to try to reverse the damage. Treatment is focused on lessoning the symptoms for the patient.
How many people have cerebral palsy?
About 5000 cases are diagnosed each year. Statistics show that nearly a half million people are affected with cerebral palsy.
If you have a child who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy you probably have many more questions than this. A qualified medical malpractice attorney can help you find the answers you’re looking for especially if you think that the injury was caused through the actions or inaction of an attending physician or another caregiver.
If you live in the Atlanta area, please contact the medical malpractice attorneys at Robbins Law, PC today to schedule a confidential, no-cost consultation.