Burns can easily be the subject of a personal injury lawsuit. If the burn injury was caused by someone else’s negligence, then attorney Laurie Robbins may be able to help you pursue compensation and justice. Some of these lawsuits go all the way to trial, but many more settle out of court. Ms. Robbins will make sure you feel confident about where your case is going.
Severe burns may be caused by:
- Fires
- Explosions
- Chemical spills
- Electrocution
While many burn injuries are caused by home fires, others are caused by workplace accidents, industrial accidents, motor vehicle crashes, and municipal disasters. If these incidents can be traced to someone’s carelessness, then you have the foundation for a personal injury claim.
If you were severely burned at work, you may be able to make a workers’ compensation claim. These benefits exist to compensate you for work-related injuries, regardless of who may be at fault. You don’t hold your employer at-fault, but you still get the compensation benefits and medical payments.
Burn injuries can be really expensive. They may involve the financial, emotional, and non-economic costs associated with:
- Being unable to work
- Being scarred and disfigured for life
- Requiring skin grafting surgeries, reconstructive surgery, or other invasive medical procedures
- Spending days or weeks in the burn unit of the hospital
- Requiring multiple follow-up visits and recurring treatments
- Requiring physical rehabilitation, and job retraining
You should not have to deal with these costs and losses on your own when the injury was not your fault. You deserve maximum financial compensation to help you out with these issues and to assist you as you try to move forward with your life. Attorney Laurie Robbins passionately pursues the best results possible for her clients. She will not stop advocating for you.
If you or a loved one has suffered severe burn injuries caused by someone else’s negligence or while performing your job duties, please call experienced Atlanta attorney Laurie Robbins for a complimentary consultation at 404-252-8117, or at 800-772-5555. Your consultation is no-obligation.