Getting Your Money’s Worth
Let’s get this one out of the way first. You are not going to save any money by waiting. You are not going to save any money by doing “most of the work for them” before they get involved. Your Workers’ Compensation attorney gets a percentage of what you win, not an hourly fee. The percentage does not go down if they come to the case in a later stage. It is the same if they are with you from day one or come in one the last day. So, let them earn it. Let your attorney do the legal work while you do the work of healing.
Avoiding Irreparable Mistakes So You Can Get All of Your Money
And part two of what’s mentioned above? When you hire a Workers’ Compensation lawyer at the very beginning, they do all the work and they make sure it is done right. This prevents you from making mistakes that even the most amazing lawyer can’t fix for you. It means, you get the most money possible from your claim. Remember, when you file for Workers’ Compensation benefits, there are dedicated attorneys doing all they can to make sure the insurance company pays you as little as possible. No matter how smart you are and how dedicated you are to getting every detail right, they have more practice. Fight fire with fire. Get your own attorney.
You Need to Take Care of Yourself and Your Family
You’ve been injured, and you need to focus on your health and your family’s wellbeing. Healing is hard work. Even if you don’t think so, your body does, and it needs to use all your energy to make the repairs. Your mind should be on what you need to do to get well, not on paperwork. And if you’re in really bad shape and trying to handle your claim on your own, you probably have loved ones trying to help you with both the claim and your physical needs. You don’t need to go there. Get an attorney from the very beginning and let them do what they do best while you do what you need to do most.
Still not sure if you really need a lawyer for you work injury claim? Contact an experienced Workers’ Compensation attorney today and schedule your free initial consultation, so you can make a fully informed decision before it’s too late. In the Atlanta area, please call attorney Laurie Robbins for a no-obligation claim evaluation.